Besides your home the next place you occupy the most is your work place. I can't stress how important a positive work environment can be for the average employee. While income and position rank on top of employment decisions a good work place is also crucial.
A good work place is usually one where your own values match your company's values. It is also very attractive when your company participates in community events.
Currently, aside from MEDIAN, I work at Urban Impact - a commercial recycling company. It started as a UBC seed project some twenty years ago by Nicole Stefenelli and it is now a successful full functioning recycling company. Its mission is other than just gaining profits but one to ultimately create social good for the environment through providing services and education. It doesn't end there. In addition to the social service UI provides through recycling, it also supports local charities with a charity program but will occasionally will host/attend fundraising events. Last year, Urban Impact donated its Shred Day proceeds to Pancreatic Cancer Canada, the Philippine Red Cross & the Canadian Breast Cancer Society just to name a few. It truly is such a blessing to be fortunate enough to work for a company with such a great environment.
I can truly say that these are the key factors to employee work satisfaction. If you are searching for a great cause for your company to be involved in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of Vancouver is now accepting registration for their Light the Night Walk - a fundraiser for blood cancers. There is nothing better than participating in a good cause to create your company's community.