Sunday, 23 February 2014

We're one year old!

I'm not sure if its from waking up at 4am to watch the Canadian Men's Olympic Hockey Team win gold or just the whole melange of emotion I am experiencing as I reflect on the past year with MEDIAN. It has been an ardous year filled with wonderful amazing people that I have met from Twitter, volunteer events or even through fundraising classes at BCIT.

I'm so thrilled and quite emotionally grateful for everyone who has support and continues to support MEDIAN. As on my webpage, MEDIAN exists as a means to provide support to local charities and organizations who don't have funds to hire an annual marketing/fundraising personnel. It is built on the fundamental of wanting to support those who can't support themselves.

So from a genuine place in my heart, I truly would like to thank my family, my friends who always seem to volunteer their time or find a means to show support and the community for always being a constant source of inspiration.

If you would like to learn more about MEDIAN and what we're involved in please check out our website of events:

Maria Bernardo