Saturday, 7 November 2015

Our Volunteers

Median Fundraising is 100% volunteer driven. What does this mean? This means that everything you see from our social media posts, our websites, to the events that are executed are run by volunteers.

When I started Median, I started it with an aim to provide support to needy community organizations that lack resources to hire a salaried fundraiser or event planner. More importantly I created Median to be a hub for individuals wanting to expand their experience whether for career purposes or just to develop their person as someone who wants to give back to their community. Little did I know the funding would come from me for the first two years. Every event put forward meant expenses and I've put everything out for it. You could say I consider this my baby. And like the old African proverb, yes, it does take a village to raise a child.

I lack financial resources to hire salaried employees but I've continually found some amazing individuals who want to give back or have found a cause that I felt passionate about fundraising for. Yes, we are re-visiting our business model and yes, it is my goal to hire someone in the next couple of years but for now I am choosing to write about the amazing people that have helped to shape Median into what it is today.

Our volunteers are very passionate people - and I can say with confidence that I know our volunteers beyond their first and last names. I'm actually quite honoured to call Median's volunteers my friends. It's quite rare to find people in this world who want to see others succeed and even harder to find people who work towards doing so. I have to make this clear as prior to this year all of our event proceeds have been donated and in the most case we actually have paid a portion of the expense. The business moguls out there are shaking their heads but we've valued every cause and connection we've made.

Yes, we are clearly young and inexperienced but I can gratefully say that in this journey of growing we have made some amazing friendships --- this is what Median is; not based on money but on social growth and development for our volunteers and our community.

Want to volunteer? Email James our Non-Profit Coordinator:

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