"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead
You would think that after an insanely packed day and even more crazy week/month that I would be passed out like a log at this time ...nope. The adrenaline of the Charity Craft Fair is still pumping through my blood - or that might have been the cups of coffee I consumed.
When I think of the Charity Craft Fair, I imagine the cliché image of a world with people holding hands together forming a circle. Life is a cycle and in it we have the opportunity to impact everyone we come across.

- The amazing organizations involved this year (listed below) do so much amazing work for the greater good of our community.
- The small business vendors (listed below) that participated at this year’s event, and some annual supporters, were essential to our ability to provide these charities with a venue to share their cause and assist with funding their projects.
- The sponsors (listed below) who provided so much to ensure that the event not only happened but provided a greater sense of community through their contribution.
- The shoppers who came by, not only supported small business and the charity causes but conveyed a message to their loved one that their present was of value not just to the receiver, but also to those they purchased the gift from.
- And most of all the amazing volunteers, my friends, who have continually given so much of their lives to this event. I don’t know that I could write a conclusive paragraph on how much profound gratitude I have for these people for supporting my mission to raise awareness and funds for Pancreatic Cancer Canada through this event.
And just like the image of this cliché world with people holding hands together in a circle, every person/ group involved was vital to ensure that this cycle of creating a nurturing community continues to go around. It is this thought manifested into an event that leaves my adrenaline charged with so much gratitude and hope for our world.
People left feeling great about their purchase for it’s uniqueness, excited to give it to their loved one, and exuded the warmth they felt for contributing to such amazing causes. It’s a whirlwind to organize but once the day ends, all rentals are picked up and I get to sit back on my couch I end off the night feeling so much genuine love for everyone involved.
Details on the event report, photos and proceeds for Pancreatic Cancer Canada to come in the following weeks.
Until next year, xo,
Charity Craft Fair Sponsors:
- Venue Sponsor: Westbank (Vancouver)
- Event Sponsor: AMES Tiles (Burnaby)
- Beverage Sponsor: BC Eye Care (Maple Ridge)
- Door Prized Gift Basket Contributors:
- Cartems
- Nuba
- JJ Bean Gastown
- Scarves by Vanessa
- Grazyna Wolski "Brilliant Blossoms" 2016 Calendar
Our wonderful small businesses:
- Ashley Caitlin Crafts (annual vendor)
- East Vanity (annual vendor)
- The Intersection
- Frese’n’ Grape
- Color by Amber
- TessaManu Photography
- reMzo Apparel
- Big Village
- Amy Tom Art Design
- Georgina Baker Design
- Bespoke Cakes
- Scarves by Vaness & Cards by Courtney
- DnA Workshop
- Arbonne
- Great Spirit Designs
The amazing charities & non-profits in our community:
- African Aids Angels
- Shanti Uganda
- Maya Skills Project
- Tradeworks
- 411 Seniors Society
- Paws for Hope
- Bead for Life
- Passion Foundation
- Downtown Eastside Neighborhood House
- Eastside Community Artists
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